Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quick and Simple Card

I've been working like crazy on Valentines treats for the past few days and decided to take a quick break from that and make a card. This card is a pretty simple design, but I love the combination of colors. I am really trying to break out of my shell when it comes to combining colors. I'm not very good at it and I often stay where it feels "safe" to me. These colors were definitely outside the box for me (or at least the combination of these colors.) The tag with the bird on it, and the paper, are all scrap items I've been hanging onto for quite some time. I'm not sure what collection they're from, or even when I got them. Sometimes it's fun to just use up the random stuff that is laying around. Tomorrow I plan to work on some notebooks with my Yourstory Photo machine. We'll see how that goes! Until then, good night!

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